

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Take your time - and hurry up

Just one week left to practice salads and omelets, people!

And here's the word - or maybe two.

Taste. Taste again.  And keep it clean.

Everyone's making progress, but everyone also has lots of room for improvement.  Judges will always watch to see you follow appropriate sanitation steps (quick!  When are gloves needed?), and they will always ask questions about how you're working.

Here's the official (as in, direct from headquarters) list of tips for salad preparation.  

The big reason to follow these steps is to save time in your work.  This salad has a time limit, and you need to know how to make that work for you.

Okay - read.  Work.  Practice. 

(Never fear - omelets come up next. ALSO: watch for judges' comments and notes about these tips!  Coming soon!  to this blog! You'll want to check this on Monday!)

Suggested Order of Preparing Competition Salad
1 . Core, score, blanch and shock tomato – leave in ice bath only until cool, put back on mise en place tray
2. Make vinaigrette, taste, adjust seasonings and put on ice  bath
3. Peel and cut jicama (small dice – ¼ inch by ¼ inch) – add to vinaigrette
4. Cut bell peppers into small dice – add to vinaigrette
5. Cut onion into small dice – add to vinaigrette
6. Peel, seed and cut tomato into small dice – add to vinaigrette
7. Cut cucumber slices for ring mold
8. Plate cucumber slices in ring mold
9. Peel, seed, and cut remaining cucumber into small dice – add to vinaigrette
10. Taste and adjust seasonings
11. Strain all vinaigrette from diced vegetables
12. Put strained vegetables into ring mold
13. Clean plate
1. Have only one tool and one food product on cutting board at one time
2. Wipe cutting board and knife with clean side towel (not sanitizer) between each vegetable preparation– sanitize only when needed
3. Fill ring mold with diced vegetables to the top of the cucumbers – do not overfill or underfill
4. Cut only the amount of vegetable as needed – this shows good time management and good product management (use all bell pepper and tomato given- other vegetables can be cut as needed)
5. Put all usable food product back on mise en plus tray – not in trash container
6. Use chef knife to make all small dices and to cut cucumber slices
7. Line cucumber slices on the top of the cutting board as sliced off of the cucumber– this method keeps the slices in order, makes plating easier, and saves time
8. Practice to the 35 minute mark, time deductions will be taken for every minute salad is late
9. Wear gloves while making and plating salad, no bare hands on ready-to-eat food
10. Wet paper towels or rubberized mats only under cutting board (no side towels under cutting board)
      11. Practice, practice, practice!

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