

Monday, August 13, 2012

There's a secret language? In the kitchen? (who knew)

Hey! Last wee, the New York Times had a nifty graphic on the Op-Ed (editorial) page - all about the "secret language of restaurants."
For instance, did you know that FTD might not be the florist delivery - but a "first-time diner?" Or that some places might call your lunch salad a "lawn?" Some guests might need "LoL" ("lots of love") - and I might be the "lol" needing it!
Go to the attached link (or clip and paste this one: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2012/08/06/opinion/06schott-terms-of-service-restaurants.html) to see what (some) others are saying!
(Ben Schott is the guy who put this all together for the New York Times)