

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

New emphasis on health, local sourcing, nutrition for this chef

When Chef Frank Caputo joined the team at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America, he knew he'd need to develop a different approach in his cooking.

That's because part of CTCA's patient care philosophy demands that every element of care takes into account a wide array of approaches.  There's a keen emphasis on high quality nutrition, with meals and snacks crafted uniquely for each patient.

For this chef, it's meant a big change.  Here's what he had to say about this:

“One of the most important changes is exactly that: 'change.'

"I am greatly inspired through education, and I constantly strive for excellence in myself and those around me. Having never worked in healthcare, there are constantly new grounds to explore. I find that very rewarding; it challenges me to revise my own judgments. 

"Today, it’s my team’s goal to cook all of our food from scratch and to use as much organically grown foods as we can.  We're so persuaded this is a critical thing, we built our own 25-acre farm to support our mission. This has helped us to localize our food source, increase food quality and maximize nutritional content. 

"Another change is how my cooking style has developed since starting at Cancer Treatment Centers of America® (CTCA). When I first decided to work at CTCA® it was certainly in the forefront of my thinking that my cooking could impact every patient during their journey fighting cancer, but I never expected it to be my passion. 

"My cooking style has now evolved into developing recipes that are low in overall fat, low in salt, and we try to cook gluten-free as much as possible. We offer a wide variety of food selections that tend to be high in antioxidants to help lower inflammation, but never lacking in taste.”