

Saturday, July 16, 2016

(new) offices feature new culinary computer lab

CCAP Arizona's new offices, Dunlap and 23rd Ave., not only sport new furnishings (in the space shared kindly through Roy Allen and the smallMatters Institute), but also a small-ish but quite swanky new computer lab space.

"We are especially grateful to Tito's Beveridge," says CCAP Arizona Director Jill Smith, "for their thoughtful generosity in funding the new computer stations."

CCAP Arizona's 2016 Industry Scholarship winners assisted in selecting equipment and designed the lab space - which they accomplished in between other obligations, since each is also working this summer.

Selena Rodriguez and De"Jae Roberson are both working with Roy Allen at the smallMatters Intitute (Beyond the Kitchen Apprenticeship), while Damian Rohman is working for M Culinary on catering and similar efforts.  Susana Ortega Navarro is working for Silvana Esparza, Cassandra Loper is working for Tracy Dempsey, and Ivan Baldenegro is working for Christopher Gross.

"Each contributed time and energy - and also did personal research on various systems and programs to assure that what we're putting together can be most useful for CCAP students," says Jill.  

CCAP Arizona students wishing to do culinary research who need computer access may contact Jill, Dr. Carrole Wolin or Nicole Schwartz to arrange time at the CCAP Arizona offices.