

Thursday, August 24, 2017

CCAP goes around the world with the AZ Pork Council!

The folks at the National Pork Council consistently attempt to persuade Americans that pork really can stand up against beef (or in for it, if you're doing the cooking).

Still, many American families often don't get very far past that holiday ham or ribs on the grill when they think "pork for dinner."

Like the national folks, Arizona's Pork Council hopes to see pork on more dinner tables, and they know that one of the best cuts for home use is pork shoulder - even though it might need a bit more time with heat.

It has tons of flavor, lends itself to multiple interpretations for the table and is also well-priced.

So when Jill Smith, CCAP Arizona's director considered a culinary competition as part of the 2017 Summer Culinary Lab experience, Tom Miller, executive director of Arizona's Pork Council, was only too happy to assist.

"I've known Jill for some years," Tom says, "and we've wanted to work more directly with CCAP students for some time."

"The Pork Council provided braised pork shoulder, and each chef was given a country to represent," says Jill.

Students, for the most part, were not generally fully conversant with typical cooking in their assigned country; and they needed to create an essentially different approach to a typical dish or cooking style.

In other words, devising a dish using pork shoulder wasn't enough. The recipe needed to be original, but evocative of a particular national style, taste and presentation. 

"There were some unique ideas and (I thought) each was tasty in its own way," Tom says.

"And that made it challenging to judge!"

Difficult as judging was, the top three dishes were presented by Jared Witte, who took on Ethiopian cuisine; Ty Wells, who interpreted classic Cuban food; and Christopher Burgos, who captured third place with his presentation of a Swedish-inspired plate.

Other countries highlighted in the braised pork competition were India, interpreted by Desiree Douthard; Korea, presented by D'Nyjah French Muldrow; Daylon Bennett took on Thailand; Jennifer Arrieta Cruz presented a festive Germ.an dinner; Juan Salgado developed a seafood paella to showcase Spain.  Sonny Pham plated his interpretation of a Brazilian dish, while Connor Millar took on the Philippines and Alexis Cox featured Japan in her dish. 

"It's easy to see how versatile pork is," Tom says.  "And I believe the Pork Council will be back to work with CCAP again soon."

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Wednesday, August 16, 2017