

Monday, March 14, 2016

Here comes the finger-wagging (a cautionary tale)

Interviews come with built-in challenges, even for folks who do it for a living.  Here are a few things you can do to stay cool, calm and collected. 

CCAP interviews are done after you've spent the morning cooking. So you're walking in for a nice chat - and you're tired (not enough sleep the night before, either, huh?).  So walk in straight and tall - and sit that way, too.

You want to look as if you have enough energy to take on the world (Think of the interview as an exciting opportunity. It is!)

Speak up! When you mumble, you sound cranky and uncertain about your answer.  And remember: you are positive about wanting that scholarship!

Which reminds us - ditch the profanity. Seriously. It is most definitely not f---ing sophisticated. Besides, your audience won't appreciate it.

Remember that you actually don't know it all. If you did, you'd already have your own culinary enterprise. And maybe more.

If you honestly do not know the answer to any question, say something like "I haven't been able to think through that, but I know it's important." OR - "I'm still considering options and hoping to find some guidance here."

Explain and describe as much as possible  - just "yes" or "no" are dead-end responses, and you're not a dead end!

Always remember to be truthful, and to the point in your answers.

One more thing: Remember, you actually do not  "deserve" any particular scholarship. You don't know everything about every other CCAP finalist. So stay nice!

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